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Smart savings: Five ways to make sure you are getting great value car insurance in Ireland

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For most of the nearly three million drivers in Ireland, car insurance is a fact of life, just like the NCT and road tax. But these days, with the cost of living climbing, we’re all paying a little more attention to our outgoings, hoping to save money where we can. 


With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of top five tips that’ll help you get great value car insurance in Ireland.

Compare like-for-like

Most policies fall into one of three categories: fully comprehensive car insurance, third party, fire and theft, or third party cover only. Each option features great benefits that are designed to suit you, the customer, and the level of coverage you’re looking for.

When comparing car insurance in Ireland, you should try to take the time to really understand what’s covered and not covered. 

Look closely at all three types of cover, including their individual benefits, inclusions, exclusions, and pricing structures. Once you’ve put together all this information, you can get a much clearer picture of which car insurance policy represents great value for you. 

Purchase your policy online

Car insurance in Ireland has become much more straightforward over the years, so much so that it’s now easy to find, select and purchase your policy online in a matter of minutes. At RedClick we give you up to 25% off when you quote and buy online, which represents a maximum discount of up to €300 (acceptance criteria, terms and conditions apply). 

Before you click ‘buy’ make sure you check if it’s more convenient to pay one annual fee or split the cost into monthly payments. You can then decide which is best for you and your family budget.


Access multi-policy discounts 

Another great way to save money on car insurance is to combine it with other policies, such as home or motor cover. For example, you may enjoy a discount of up to 10% on your car, motorcycle or home policy when you or your spouse or cohabitating partner have more than one motor or home policy with RedClick.

It’s applicable after your online discount, so by combining both offers, you could reduce your premium price by up to a third (subject to terms and conditions). By keeping your policies together, you can also make them easier to manage, especially if the time comes when you need to make a claim. 

Reduce the risk 

Car insurance costs in Ireland are calculated using a variety of factors. At RedClick we offer a “pay for what you need” model which allows our customers to choose the coverage that is right for them. There are also a couple of important ways you can try to keep your premiums as affordable as possible.

Keeping your driving licence clean of any penalty points and endorsements may help to keep costs lower, although this will depend on your chosen insurer. Similarly, it might help if you take steps to safeguard your vehicle from theft or damage. For example, An Garda Síochana recommends that you:

●    Fit an alarm, immobiliser, tracker, and / or a physical lock or chain 

●    Do not leave valuables on show, and ideally leave them at home

●    Lock doors and fully close windows before leaving the car unattended

●    Use a lock to secure your catalytic convertor 

●    Park under streetlights and / or CCTV or in a secure car park


Protect your no claims bonus

no claims bonus is a discount applied to a motor insurance policy for a policyholder who has not made any claims on the policy for a number of years. If you can build up a no claims bonus over time, it will usually lower the cost of car insurance in Ireland.


The savings can be huge — at RedClick, drivers with a nine-year no claims bonus can get up to 60% off their full comprehensive policy cost — so it’s worth doing everything you can to keep your bonus safe and intact. This starts with driving safely, of course, but you may also be able to purchase step-back cover, which protects your no claims bonus should you need to make a claim (terms and conditions apply. For full details you can download our policy booklet or visit our Help Centre). If you’ve accumulated a strong no claims record it might be worth exploring this option further so you can keep accessing that discount in the future. 


Don’t forget, if you’ve been living abroad, your claims-free record from some countries may also be counted (terms and conditions apply. For full details you can download our policy booklet or visit our Help Centre). 

At RedClick, we’re always looking ahead, adjusting our motor insurance policies to help deliver great value as well as real-world protection and trusted customer care. If you’re looking for car insurance in Ireland, check out what RedClick has to offer.