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Most In-Demand in Car Technology

Most In-Demand in Car Technology

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Reverse cameras, automatic emergency breaking, collision warning systems and blind-spot warning technology are most in-demand in-car safety technology, according to new research published by RedClick.

January remains the most popular time of year to buy a new car, with over 30,000 new cars expected to be sold this month. Safety technology features have become a key factor for many consumers when choosing a new car. Many drivers have become dependent on particular safety features and this influences the decision-making process.

According to Mairead Carty, Motor Product Manager of RedClick: “In the last decade we have seen significant advancements in road safety technology and these advancements are obviously to be welcomed if they have the potential to help make our roads safer. That said, it is important that motorists appreciate that this technology is not a shortcut to safe driving, but instead, a means of complementing existing safe driving behaviours.”


In-demand Safety Features Amongst Car Buyers

RedClick's survey of 992 Irish motorists found that 43% cited reverse cameras as extremely or very important, and a further 42% claimed it was somewhat or slightly important. Only 15% of those surveyed suggested it was not at all important.

According to the study, 39% of Irish motorists cite automatic emergency breaking as extremely or very important, while 46 percent consider it somewhat or slightly important. Just 15% of consumers indicate that it is not at all important.

Amongst those surveyed in the Irish market, 38% cite collision warning systems as extremely or very important and 47% consider it somewhat or slightly important. Only 15% percent indicate that it is not at all important.

The findings also show that 38% of Irish motorists cite blind-spot warning systems as extremely or very important, while 46 percent consider it somewhat or slightly important. For 16% of consumers, it is not at all important.

Finally, 27% of Irish motorists cite lane change assist as extremely or very important, with 50% considering it somewhat or slightly important. However, 23% of drivers indicate that it is not at all important.



The study found that Irish Millenials (21%) are the generation most reliant on in-car technology for safe driving.

“It will come as little surprise to learn that millennials are the generation of drivers most likely to rely on these new safety innovations as they have learnt to drive at a time when such features are increasingly commonplace. However, it is interesting to note that the differing behaviours between younger and older Irish motorists are not as marked as in other North American and Western European countries, including the US, UK, Spain, Portugal and France,” Carty added.

However, drivers are urged not to become complacent about their own safety measures while driving, by relying too heavily on the car’s technology. Driving responsibly and remaining alert is vital, regardless of the technology your car boasts. This is especially true when weather condition can be challenging.


Met Eireann Predicting a Particularly Cold Start to 2020

Carty continued: “With Met Eireann predicting a particularly cold start to 2020, we would particularly encourage Irish motorists to take every precaution when driving this January and to maintain a high level of diligence when travelling during any adverse or extreme weather conditions.”



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